The Bad Boy Formula Review


The Bad Boy Formula is a multi-media program created by dating coach and expert Carlos Xuma, that teaches men how to permanently cure their “nice guy” syndrome.  It’s no secret that women are attracted to bad boys.  On an intellectual level, she may realize that the guy isn’t right for her.  But on an emotional level, she can’t help but feel attracted to him.  This is a fact that every guy needs to accept.  But what if you don’t want to be a jerk around women?  The idea with this Bad boy Formula program is that you can learn to trigger attraction by adding that extra edge to your personality without being an asshole.
  • Total Score 89 / 100

  • Overall Presentation 9 / 10
  • Effectiveness 18 / 20
  • Practicability 18 / 20
  • Innovativeness 16 / 20
  • Value For Money 19 / 20
  • Other Score 9 / 10
  • Product Details

    • Expert: Carlos Xuma
    • Level: Beginner, Intermediate
    • Format: Video (Download), Audio (Download), PDF
    • Price: $97 (or 2 payments of $48.50)
    • Where To Buy:
    • Guarantee: ​365-day return policy

Who This Product Is For

This how to be a bad boy product is aimed at the beginner and intermediate. If you feel women don’t respond to you the way you’d like them to, then it’s either because you’re doing something wrong, or you’re not doing something you should. The Bad Boy Formula will teach you the outer game techniques so that women see you as more dominant and more alpha. This is turn will help you re-program your own psychology, so in a way, it’s also an inner game product.

The links below will take you to more reviews of dating products by Carlos Xuma.

What’s Included

  • The Bad Boy Formula (video modules)
  • Bad Boy Reference & Examples (ebook)
  • Overdrive (bonus MP3 audio)
  • Case Studies (bonus video)
  • Interview with Marni from (bonus MP3 audio)
  • Interview with Dean Cortez (bonus MP3 audio)

The Bad Boy Formula Review

Carlos Xuma has been creating high-quality products for over a decade. Other than the Double Your Dating ebook by David DeAngelo, Carlos was the first guy that I started learning how to pickup women from. He teaches a balanced approach to attraction by incorporating all of the best advice out there and re-organizing it with his own personal touch. I get the impression that he used to be somewhat of a nerd, but he definitely knows what he’s talking about. And there’s a lot to be learned from this guy.

The main program comprises 6 video modules with 4 additional bonus videos. There’s a reference manual summarizing the main points of the program, as well as additional audio interviews with other dating experts.  It was originally meant to be sold as a high-end product but then decided to lower the price.  What you end up with is a rather extensive program at a very reasonable price.

In the first module, you’ll learn about the bad boy, and how’s he’s different from the nice guy, the jerk, and the player. You’ll learn about what he calls “The Dark And Light Triads” as well as the 10 qualities of the nice guy that will instantly kill her attraction for you.  Before you can emulate the bad boy, you have to understand him.  This video will teach you about the inner game of the bad boy mentality.

Why is it that women like bad boys in a relationship anyway? And why are they repelled by the nice guy? This is the topic of the second video module. It delves into the attraction of the bad boy and how it relates to female psychology. The advice that Carlos gives is spot on and will help you see things from a female perspective.

Before you can change your circumstances, you have to be aware of what’s causing the problem. The next three modules delve into the actual techniques, tactics, and strategies. Topics include conversation skills, body language, how to lead a woman, pass her tests, and take control of any situation.

The next few videos give you the bigger picture. You’ll learn about the lifestyle and how everything you do says something about who you are.  In the end, it’s not just about getting the girl. It’s about living a lifestyle that is true to who you are.  It’s about overcoming your fears and becoming more dominant and sexually attractive through lifestyle choices.

If you’ve studied any of Carlos’s programs before, then you’ll know that he’s big into self-development. The nice guy will need to work a little harder than other guys, but ask yourself this question: Do you really want to continue living your life without ever experiencing how it would feel to be that guy who can get the girl whenever he wants?  I’m not saying this program will fix all your problems, but I am saying that if you’re tired of being ignored by women, then this program is something you need to consider.


The Bad Boy Formula is a solid course on how to be a bad boy and become more sexually attractive to women. You don’t have to change yourself completely, and you might not agree with all his lifestyle recommendations. But if you’re ready to break out of your “nice guy” shell and become the type of man that women can’t help but feel attracted to, then you’ll want to check this one out.

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